How to Set Yourself Up for Success

Take a moment to think about what success looks like to you. What mental image is being shown in your head? 

While diving into what people consider success to look like, I found a quote by MIchelle Obama that shares a sentiment that we also value here at The Goalden System – “ Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own.” The quote originated from a 2012 commencement speech Obama gave at the University of Oregon and while her audience was filled with eager college graduates, the idea behind the quote portrays much of what we believe regarding success. 

Success isn’t something that someone else can define for you - the same goes for devising personal goals. When working to better yourself, it’s important to do so in a way that supports your vision of success. Maybe success doesn’t come with a large paycheck or perhaps it means having a specific job title - it doesn’t matter what success looks like to you, it only matters that you hold true to it as you work toward reaching your goals. 

While the idea of success means something different to everyone, there are a few key steps you can put in place to make sure you’re setting yourself up for your version of success. 

Define what success looks like to YOU. It’s easy to get caught up in the ideas that society puts in our head regarding goals. Try asking yourself the question, “How will I know when I’ve reached my goal?” By putting markers in place to track your progress, you’ll be clear on where you’re trying to get to. Make sure you are specific in your response. Using vague language will only cause confusion and possible frustration as you travel the path toward success. 

Pro Tip: Put your definition of success and markers on display to serve as a reminder of your “why”. This can be on your computer, the bathroom mirror, or the lockscreen of your phone, for example. 

Create a support system. By having the correct support system in place, you’re more likely to continue down the path towards success. When developing a support team, be sure to include those that can help you strengthen your weakest points. Also make sure that you’re filling your team in on what your goal is and where you are in the process of reaching it. Accountability is a powerful tool! 

Pro Tip: There is no one-size-fits-all support team, so feel confident in determining what you need to be successful and ensure you know what role each team member will play. 

Practice gratitude daily. Things will not go to plan as you are striving toward success - it’s inevitable. As humans, it’s natural to feel like we want to give up and walk away when things go sideways. Rather than taking a step away from finding success, embrace the journey. At the end of each day, ask yourself, “What went well for me today?” Sometimes the answer will be life changing, such as landing your first client after opening your own business, but sometimes the answer will land somewhere in the realm of, “I didn’t close my computer and walk away - I kept going.” 

Pro Tip: Write down your gratitudes (in a journal or even your phone) so that when you encounter a difficult day, you’ll have a record of what you felt on prior days. 

Finding success is a journey and it’s all your own. By taking the advice above, you’ll be able to smooth out some of those bumps that come along as you travel the path toward success. Are you interested in learning more about improving the day-to-day skills and having The Goalden System as part of your support system? Find a time to chat with us here - we can’t wait to hear about your goals and what success means to you.


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