How to Practice & Improve Resilience

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.”

Is resilience something that we are born with? Despite what many believe, resilience is not a characteristic trait we are born with. Think of resilience as the ability to return to a state of 'neutral' after encountering a setback in your life. 

It’s important to note that resilience does not mean: 

  • you need to “toughen up.”

  • you are pushing aside feelings or ignoring a change in your life.

  • you should be feeling “less” emotion than someone next to you. 

Good news friends, resilience is something that you can practice and improve! Empower yourself today by recognizing steps you can take to build your resiliency. Celebrate the actions you may already be taking that will provide support when setbacks occur.

Shifting Your Mindset

As we stated earlier, being resilient doesn’t mean you sweep your feelings under the rug and pretend the event didn’t happen. After the challenging situation, take a moment to reflect, and ask yourself, “What was in my control?” Taking a small moment can help you reframe the situation. You may recognize you can’t control everything, no matter how hard you tried. That small pause can be enough to begin the process of giving yourself permission to acknowledge your growth, challenges, or your f*ck ups. Taking ownership and moving into a growth mindset IS worth celebrating.

A Solid Support System

 It’s important to remember that being resilient doesn’t mean you do everything yourself; those that are most resilient have a strong support system. Navigating life’s challenging moments can feel impossible if it wasn’t for the support of a family member or friend. Life is hard. You don’t have to do it alone! Having a support system provides you with the space to reflect and work through the feelings you are experiencing. Feel the feels, friends! This is practicing and improving your resilience.

Recognizing the Power of Self-Care

In a world where we are constantly on the go, don’t negate the power of things such as good sleep habits and self-care. While we hear this a lot, it can be difficult to practice or even initiate. When you get a little extra sleep, take a walk in the sunshine, or move your body to some music, these are moments of self-care that are worth celebrating!

Resilience is a skill that you can adapt and improve. Give yourself time, space, and grace in this process. We are not born with this skill but we all have the ability to improve.

*We are not mental health providers and while the work we do at The Goalden System can help you build your resilience, if you are struggling with challenges, please reach out to a mental health provider.


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