Reviewing Your Progress
Goals are one of our favorite topics around here. We know how important a well-defined goal can be towards reaching success. You put the time into developing an appropriate goal and your motivation is at an all time high. This is a great feeling and can usually give you the boost to keep moving towards building new habits. As time goes on, it is only natural for your motivation to begin to waver and doubt creeps in. While this is a normal feeling that everyone experiences, it doesn’t mean there aren’t steps to take that will help avoid losing your motivation and pushing towards your goal.
One of the largest struggles with habit change that we see is people not taking intentional time to review their progress. We are often so hard on ourselves and look at our goals as, “Reached!” or “Failed.” This couldn’t be further from the truth, but when you begin to feel like you have failed at your goal, it’s difficult to bring back the motivation to keep pushing forward. The truth is, there are so many steps in habit change that deserve their time in the spotlight. In order to focus on the small steps that you’re taking towards your progress, schedule an intentional cadence of check-ins.
For example, schedule a dedicated time on your calendar to hold a brief 10 minute meeting with yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but it does have to be intentional and something that you prioritize. We suggest developing a list of questions to check-in about so that you know you’re taking the time to really reflect on your progress. We’ve included some sample questions that we like to use to get you started. Feel free to edit and expand on this list to best suit your needs.
What action steps have I taken?
What has gone well?
Where do I see opportunities for growth?
Does my goal need to shift?
What are the next steps I plan to take?
Do I need any additional support?
By completing intentional reflections during your journey, you give yourself the opportunity to celebrate what is going well, as well as determine any necessary adjustments. Depending on your goal, you may choose to hold these meetings once a week, every other week, or at the beginning of the month. The most important thing to remember is that checking in with yourself is a vital step towards keeping the motivation train moving and reaching your goal, so these meetings should be prioritized.
You’re worth the time investment. 💛