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Goalden System Goalden System

Prioritize Your List: Try the Covey Quadrant

While there are many different tools and strategies, let’s explore Covey Quadrants. Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People developed the Covey Time Management Matrix, commonly referred to as the Covey Quadrant.

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Goalden System Goalden System

3 Systems for Less Stress This Holiday Season

Giving seems to be the theme of the holiday season, but do you ever feel like all you’re giving is your time and energy? Now is the perfect time to ensure you are not letting the weight of the holidays bring you down. Let’s be real - everyone hopes to have a holiday season filled with those closest to us, good food, and relaxation. Reality usually looks a bit different. It’s important to acknowledge that changes must be made if you want a holiday season filled with less stress. Those changes will happen through taking smaller action steps toward the goal of feeling less overwhelmed.

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