3 Things to Tell Yourself This Week Because You’re a Badass

This is your friendly reminder - You are a badass…

Okay, you may continue 🙂

Days can feel tough. Days when you are working toward a goal can feel extra challenging. When things get difficult, it’s normal to feel discouraged or defeated and when we tell ourselves that we can’t do it, we are more likely to believe it. 

Now think about a time that a friend or family member had a bad day and came to you. Chances are you listened to their troubles, provided support, and maybe offered advice. You likely met them with grace and kindness. 

If we can be kind to those we love, why are we our own worst critics? Likely because we hold ourselves to higher standards or expectations than those around us. Instead of being critical, we need to show up for ourselves in the same kind and loving manner that we provide to others. 

We know that having a strong support system improves your chances of reaching a goal, but it’s important to remember that you are an integral part of that system. Let’s face it - you’re a badass and even badasses need a little reminder of how great they're doing! When you find yourself having a hard day. Speak kindly to yourself - it can truly make a difference. 

Instead of talking down to yourself, speak kindly and try these mantras: 

Say, “I don’t have to have everything figured out.”

Read that sentence again…then say it out loud to yourself and be sure to listen.  As humans, we want to feel in control and know what’s coming next. This helps us ease our anxiety about the unknown, but truthfully, there will always be an unknown. You don’t have everything figured out - no one does. If they tell you they do, please call out their lie.  By shifting your mindset from “I know exactly how this will go!” to “Well, that didn’t go according to the plan and that’s ok, I can readjust,” you’ll find yourself able to move forward with finding next steps sooner. The important thing here is to strive to continue learning, reflect on the situation, and remind yourself that perfection doesn’t exist. You can even read more about that in our previous blog post

Say, “Today I am glad that I ____.” 

Gratitude is a powerful tool. By intentionally noting what you are proud of or grateful for within a day, you’re giving your brain an opportunity to focus on the positive. One key thing to remember while practicing gratitude is that small wins count too. For example, one of my clients was frustrated that they hadn’t met their desired deadline of organizing their desk drawers due to a family emergency. They had, however, completed the step of clearing off the top of the desk before they needed to walk away. This situation has two roads: 1. Beat yourself up for not getting the whole task done or 2. Celebrate the fact that you were able to make substantial progress. By going with the second road, it will help keep your motivation up and reinforce the idea that you should be proud of the small steps toward progress. 

Say, “How important is it?”

Let’s be real, there are very few things that need to be completed immediately. It is often better to take the time and think through a situation instead. By asking yourself the question, “How important is it?” you naturally pause and can then evaluate the importance of what is going on. This provides the space to reprioritize tasks and determine when you need to take action. Even though you are a badass, you are not superhuman and you can only do so much.

Try out these three mantras and see what happens. We understand that shifting your mindset is not a short-lived experience, but rather one that will take time, patience, and empathy. Be kind to yourself as you navigate life and remember, it’s ok to remind yourself you’re a badass. 


Building a Solution-Based Mindset


Perfection: A Land of Unicorns